September- Period 1 and skills
TEN things you need to do the FIRST WEEK of class:
1. Get a 1 1/2 inch, 3 ring binder. THIS IS REQUIRED. You will have difficulty passing this class without it.
2. Sign into our Online Textbook (Brinkley) Directions given in class.
3. Sign into my Google classroom (Code given in class).
4.Sign into AP Classroom. Instructions given in class.
5. Sign into TURNITIN with our class information (you already have an account from Summer).
6.Read The American Vision (TAV) chapter 1 tab at left
7. Answer the reading checks that you find as you read the chapters.
8, In the section assessment, complete #1- DEFINE and #2- Identify.
9.. Print the "Student letter (above), Have a Guardian sign it, Make it page 1 of your Binder (remember your binder?)
10. Make a list of Presidents 1 through 45. Next to each President put the year they came into office and their political party. Make this page 2 of your binder.
1. Get a 1 1/2 inch, 3 ring binder. THIS IS REQUIRED. You will have difficulty passing this class without it.
2. Sign into our Online Textbook (Brinkley) Directions given in class.
3. Sign into my Google classroom (Code given in class).
4.Sign into AP Classroom. Instructions given in class.
5. Sign into TURNITIN with our class information (you already have an account from Summer).
6.Read The American Vision (TAV) chapter 1 tab at left
7. Answer the reading checks that you find as you read the chapters.
8, In the section assessment, complete #1- DEFINE and #2- Identify.
9.. Print the "Student letter (above), Have a Guardian sign it, Make it page 1 of your Binder (remember your binder?)
10. Make a list of Presidents 1 through 45. Next to each President put the year they came into office and their political party. Make this page 2 of your binder.
Note: This website is a rough overview of the course. ALL GRADED ASSIGNMENTS ARE POSTED ON GOOGLE CLASSROOM.
WEEK Two: The Collision of Cultures
NOTE: All readings are due on Sunday night with a Quiz the following Monday in class. Readings: TAV Chapter 1 (You should have already read it-Complete the Chapter Assessment Key Terms and Key Facts) Brinkley Chapter 1 (answer the practice Q's) Selected Readings from class Lecture: What is CONTEXTUALIZATION? WEEK Three: TRANSPLANTATIONS AND BORDERLANDS
NOTE: All readings are due on Sunday night with a Quiz the following Monday in class. Readings: TAV Chapter 2 -Complete the Chapter Assessment Key Terms and Key Facts) Brinkley Chapter 2 (answer the practice Q's) Selected Readings from class Lecture: Why does anyone move? AND The difference Between Primary and Secondary Source. WEEK Four: Colonizing America
NOTE: All readings are due on Sunday night with a Quiz the following Monday in class. Readings: TAV Chapter 2 (You should have already read it-Complete the Chapter Assessment Key Terms and Key Facts) The Valladolid Debates (Bartolomé de Las Casas v. Juan Sepulveda) Lecture: You’re not in the game if you’re sitting on the bench! |
Readings: Brinkley Selected Readings from class Lecture: Contextualizing Period 2 Society and Culture in Provincial America
NOTE: All readings are due on Sunday night with a Quiz the following Monday in class. Readings: TAV Chapter 2 -Complete the Chapter Assessment Key Terms and Key Facts) Brinkley Chapter 3 (answer the practice Q's) Selected Readings from class Lecture: Comparing New England and Virginia Colonies. Why Protest worked in 1676, 1776, 1968, and will work in 2021 |
Unit 2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1650
Topics from the Course Description a. First European contacts with American Indians b. Spain’s empire in North America c. French colonization of Canada d. English settlement of New England, the Mid-Atlantic region, and the South e. From servitude to slavery in the Chesapeake region f. Religious diversity in the American colonies g. Resistance to colonial authority: Bacon’s Rebellion, the Glorious Revolution, and the Pueblo Revolt |
The Empire in Transition
NOTE: All readings are due on Sunday night with a Quiz the following Monday in class. Readings: TAV Chapter 3 -Complete the Chapter Assessment Key Terms and Key Facts) Brinkley Chapter 4 (answer the practice Q's) Selected Readings from class -Mercantilism and the American Revolution (below) WATCH: Henry Gates Video (below) Lecture: Unintended Consequences: Mercantilism and the American Revolution ![]()
The American Revolution
NOTE: All readings are due on Sunday night with a Quiz the following Monday in class. Readings: TAV Chapter 4 -Complete the Chapter Assessment Key Terms and Key Facts) Brinkley Chapter 4 (answer the practice Q's) Selected Readings from class Lecture: |